Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thin Laptops Becoming the Future

Thin laptops are becoming more and more prominent in our society. As Steve Jobs said in October 2010 the MacBook Air "the future of notebooks," and not surprising but he was accurate. The appeal of thin laptops is that not only do they have most of the same functionalities as a full-size laptop but the benefit of being lightweight and long battery life. Two companies being Apple and Samsung have both created their own version of a thin laptop and both cost about and over a grand to purchase. Although slightly expensive these laptops are the future of technology being so compact. 

Source: Bertolucci, J. (2011, Ultra thin laptops: Worth the cost? Kiplinger's Personal Finance, 65, 1. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/872341759?accountid=14541